Call for projects | Errances

The Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion's Errances initiative is back for a fourth year! Thomas Duret is curating the project again this year. This time, Errances will take the form of an itinerary of in situ performances.


The itinerary will take place on Saturday afternoon, August 23, 2025 (around 3 p.m.). The itinerary will be made up of 5 to 7 projects, each lasting a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes (maximum duration of the itinerary estimated at 2 h). The call is open to theater, dance, music, poetry, puppetry, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and experimental projects. There are two categories for which artists can apply:

1- Short-length projects - 5 to 10 minutes
2- Medium-length projects - 15 to 20 minutes

The works we're looking for must be non-technical (a sound enclosure can be provided). These works will be presented once in situ, on the route that begins at Parc de la Maison-Valois and ends at Parc Le 405, where the Festival Artefact will be in progress.

We're looking for living arts projects that are openly critical, rigorous in thought and simple in execution. Artists must consider that the presentation context demands a certain flexibility, and works will be presented to audiences of all ages, including families, who are as much amateurs and novices as they are art enthusiasts. These elements must be taken into consideration when submitting your project. We're not looking for animation projects, but living artworks.

The Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion offers :

- A fee of $1200 for a 15-20 minute project, $850 for a 5-10 minute project.
- Overall support for project presentation (coordination support, communications and publicity surrounding project presentation, hospitality on the evening of the event, lodge with snacks, etc.).

*The City cannot provide reimbursement for travel and accommodation. Photo and video archiving are not included.

The call aims to reach out to all communities, and has a mandate to apply a representativeness of aesthetics, languages, thoughts and cultural horizons.

To take part in Errances, simply fill in the entry form.

You have until midnight APRIL 20, 2025 to submit a project. Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.

Selected projects will receive a reply by the end of May 2025. After this date, if you have not received a response, you will be invited to write to us for information on the decision (potential reasons and comments surrounding the project). Feedback is important to us, and we are keen to engage in dialogue about unsuccessful proposals. We know the impact this can have on an artist's career. That said, given the number of projects received, comments may be succinct.