Ditch maintenance

Ditches are essential to the safety of infrastructures such as roads and residential properties. During heavy rainfall, they help keep land and homes dry by draining water into watercourses.

In addition to its drainage functions, a well-maintained ditch can have positive impacts on water quality and the preservation of biodiversity. Indeed, the vegetation present on ditch embankments helps to purify contaminant-laden runoff before it reaches a watercourse. Vegetation also creates habitats for flora and fauna, and promotes ecological connectivity.

For a ditch to perform its various functions properly, it must be well maintained. It is the responsibility of the owner of a roadside ditch to maintain it from the shoulder of the road to the property line, and for the full width of the property.

Normal ditch maintenance should include the following:

  • Establishment of adequate vegetation cover
  • Control of appropriate vegetation 
  • Removal of any obstructions to water flow 
  • Culvert maintenance

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion has drawn up a Good practice guide for ditch development and maintenance (in French). This guide includes a list of plant species adapted to ditches, based on the recommended planting zone.

Before taking action

Before planting any vegetation in a ditch, you should contact the Environment Division in order to :

  • submit a planting plan and obtain advice on landscaping;
  • find out whether any maintenance or reprofiling work is planned by the city.

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion also offers an environmental subsidy for the Planting riparian strips and ditches.

Information: environnement@ville.vaudreuil-dorion.qc.ca or 450 455-3371, option 1


Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall