Information and schedule

Vaudreuil-Dorion Library offers a dynamic environment planned around discovery and pleasure. In addition to the impressive collection of books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and more, the Library offers activities for every taste.

Schedule and contact information

51 Jeannotte
Vaudreuil-Dorion J7V 6E6
Tel: 450-455-5588
Fax: 450-455-5653

Schedule of the library

  • Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The Library is closed on the following holidays: New Year's Eve, New Year’s Day and January 2nd, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Monday, National Patriots' Day, St-Jean-Baptiste Day, Canada Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.


Vaudreuil-Dorion residents: free
Vaudreuil-sur-le-Lac residents: $75
Non-residents: $135

When subscribing to the Library, a resident’s card is issued. If you already have one, make sure you have it on hand when you take out your membership. This card is issued for two years. At the time of issuing, you must provide proof of residence and photo identification.


Is there something you’d like to see in our collection? Suggestions for purchase are welcome. Ask for a form at the loans desk or make a suggestion from your file in the online catalogue.

  • French, English and Spanish Books
  • French and English digital books
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Large print books
  • DVD
  • Blu-Ray
  • Compact discs
  • Audio books
  • Language courses
  • Sheet music
  • Board games
  • Video games
  • Trousses pour emporter (take-away kits)
  • Library of objects 
  • Jardinothèque (spring and summer)

Loans Policy

You must bring your card to borrow items.
Loans are for three weeks.

Members aged 12 and over: youth and adult collections
Members under 12: youth collection

You are permitted to borrow:

  • 10 books
  • 10 digital books
  • 5 audio books
  • 5 magazines
  • 5 compact discs
  • 5 DVDs or Blu-Rays
  • 2 language courses
  • 1 video game
  • 1 board game
  • 1 trousse pour emporter (take-away kit)

You may renew a single item up to three times, either on-site or online.

You may reserve an item on site, by phone or online.

There is no charge to library users for late returns. The aim is to make the library more accessible, to encourage citizens to read and to promote positive exchanges between users and library staff. However, if a document is overdue, you will receive up to three notices:

  • After one day's delay: a reminder notice (by e-mail only);
  • After one week's delay: written notice of suspension of borrowing privileges until return of documentation units (notice by e-mail or post);
  • After two weeks' delay: a request for payment by mail indicating that you have one week to return or pay for the documentation units. Replacement fees and a $5 administration fee apply.

To avoid delays, sign up for e-mail notifications.

You are responsible for all items you borrow. To avoid costs:

  • Check the condition of items before borrowing
  • Be sure to keep them in a clean, dry place
  • Do not repair a damaged item yourself

Mozaïk Caravan

On June 8, 2022, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion officially inaugurated its new cultural vehicle: the Mozaïk Caravan. It invests the public places of Vaudreuil-Dorion, taking in turn the air of mobile library, traveling exhibition hall, digital creation laboratory and cultural mediation workshop.

The Mozaïk Caravan project aims to meet citizens to allow them to participate in cultural activities, and this, in their neighborhood. The Caravan will be present in various events, including the Festival de cirque, the Rythmes d'été and the Fêtes de quartier. It will also visit seniors' residences, schools, daycares, community organizations and will be able to welcome small groups indoors for cultural mediation projects, literary conferences, digital creation activities and artistic residencies.

Consult the schedule of his travels by visiting

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The Lab

The Lab is the new digital creation space of the Vaudreuil-Dorion library. Officially inaugurated in September 2019, it is accessible free of charge to citizens of all ages. 

At the Lab, new technologies are in the spotlight: drawing tablets, digital embroidery machine, 3D printer, vinyl cutter, macaroon press and heat press allow everyone to express their creativity. A manager is on hand to explain how the equipment works and guide people through their projects as needed.

You want to :  

  • make your own clothes?
  • Create a video game?
  • Make a comic book?
  • produce your own posters, buttons and stickers?
  • make 3D objects?

Don't wait any longer! Come and visit the Lab!

Notice to users 

Since February 1, 2024, a library card has been required for access to the Lab, the library's digital creation space. The purpose of implementing this new procedure is to build a picture of the actual use of materials by Lab users.

Thank you for your understanding.


The Jardinothèque is :

  • A collection of herb, flower, vegetable and fruit seeds available free of charge to library subscribers.
  • About 130 varieties of organic and local seeds, many of which are heritage, native and pollinator-friendly.
  • A project to promote urban agriculture and the biodiversity of plants and insects.
  • An initiative that encourages the exchange of knowledge and practices around the theme of gardening
    and food.

How it works

  • Subscribers can choose up to four seed packets for the gardening season.
  • Seed packets must be registered at the counter in the subscriber file.
  • In the fall, experienced gardeners can donate the seeds they have collected to the Jardinothèque for use by other home gardeners next spring.
  • Hands-on seedling and gardening activities and workshops are offered throughout the year in conjunction with the Jardinothèque.

Library of Objects

Users of the municipal library are now able to borrow from some 130 objects organized according to the following themes: Science, sports, special occasions, household items, small tools, toys, outdoor equipment, kitchen appliances, family, technology, specialized support tools for people with special needs.

How the Library of Objects works

  • Only one item may be borrowed at a time, for a period of 10 days.
  • Users can reserve an item at the circulation desk or via their subscriber file.
  • Only subscribers aged 18 and over may borrow library items.
  • Items must be returned at the counter and not in the book chute.

The complete list of items in the object library can be consulted in the library catalog.

This innovative project was proposed by citizens Karine La Flèche and Stephanie Dornenburg as part of the 2022 participatory budget.

Self-service iPad and laptops


It is now possible to borrow a laptop or an iPad for on-site use at the library. Simply swipe your citizen card at the circulation desk and select the type of device you wish to borrow. The library is pleased to offer this service and to allow greater flexibility to its users.

Book drop box

The book drop box, located to the right of the main entrance, is accessible when the library is closed. Board games may not be left in the drop box because of the risk of damage.

Interlibrary loans

If the item you are looking for is not in the collection, it is possible to borrow it from another library. Submit your application via Le catalogue des bibliothèques du Québec or by going to the loans counter.

Digital books and resources and Overdrive platforms allow users to download digital books in French or English from home.

The following digital resources are also available:

  • Edu-Media
  • Edu-Performance
  • Encyclopédie Découverte
  • Eureka
  • Universalis
  • Repère
  • Zenio


The Vaudreuil-Dorion Library offers a wide variety of cultural activities for all age groups. Consult the schedule in the calendar of activities of the catalog.

  • Story time (ages 3 to 5)
  • Musical Awakening (6 years and under)
  • Children's workshops
  • Conferences
  • Meetings with authors
  • Exhibitions
  • Summer reading club (0 to 16 years)
  • World Book and Copyright Day
  • Public Library Week
  • Biblio-park

And much more!

Other services

  • Schools service: classroom visits by appointment, loan of items to groups and teachers
  • Reader assistance: on-site reference service
  • A Birth and a Book: receive a gift bag by registering your child 12 months and under
  • Heritage Room: genealogical research
  • Photocopier: black and white – $0.25, colour – $0.75
  • Internet: on-site Internet stations with word processing (8 years and older), resident’s card required. Antidote software (grammar checker and dictionaries) is installed on Internet workstations. Free WiFi available.
  • Printing: $0.25 per page