Public Works

Although the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion maintains its infrastructure on an ongoing basis, traffic can be impeded by work or events. Every effort is made to reduce the impact on pedestrians, cyclists, residents and motorists.

Road Work

Here you will find a list of road work projects under way so that you can change your usual route if need be. You'll also be informed about projects coming up in the next few months.

Note that dates are subject to change, as project schedules may be affected by factors such as weather.

If you have any questions about the work in progress, please contact the Engineering and Environment Department by e-mail.

Sporadic work

This section reports on sporadic obstructions on the territory.

Rue Saint-Michel

There will be an obstruction at the intersection of Saint-Michel and avenue Saint-Charles on Monday, March 17, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., due to work on the aqueduct network.

Rue Bourget

A complete closure is planned from March 17 to 21, at the intersection of rue Bourget and rue Fournier. This work is being carried out as part of the Parc Bourget development project.

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Redevelopment of route De Lotbinière

Reconstruction work on route De Lotbinière, between boulevard Harwood and Avenue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, started in August 2024. 

See frequently asked questions

Winter 2025

Work has been put on hold for the winter season and will resume in spring 2025. Rue Ange-Émile-Séguin remains closed to traffic.

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Bike paths and pedestrian areas

  • This Fall, the city built a bicycle lane on Chemin des Chenaux, between Chemin Dumberry and the sidewalk leading to Parc des Chenaux and Rue de Versailles, continuing the existing lane that stopped at the bottom of the overpass.
  • In addition to the bike lanes to be built on boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes and route de Lotbinière, implementation of the bikeways master plan calls for the following work for the 2025 season:
    - New off-pavement multi-purpose path on rue Émile-Bouchard ;
    - Phase 2 of the bike path on rue Valois, between 8th Avenue and avenue Marier.


  • Work on the redevelopment of route De Lotbinière, between boulevard Harwood and avenue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, are progressing well and will continue into the spring and early summer of 2025. As part of this work, the intersection of boulevard Harwood and route de Lotbinière will also be redeveloped. The entrance and exit ramps to Harwood boulevard will be eliminated to increase pedestrian safety at this intersection. The site where the eastbound ramp used to be will make way for a possible green space. Route de Lotbinière will thus reflect the vision of the Harwood - De Lotbinière PPU. The original large mineralized surface will be transformed to make the area more dynamic, with the addition of sidewalks, bicycle paths, street lighting, trees and vegetated ditches.

    Work information meeting

    Frequently Asked Questions (in French)

  • Work on phase 2 of the boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes redevelopment is scheduled for summer 2025, subject to receipt of the necessary environmental approvals. Work will continue on the redevelopment of the boulevard begun in 2020 between rue des Floralies and rue Jeannotte, up to the intersection with rue Henry-Ford, with the addition of sidewalks, bike paths and planted lanes. Traffic circles at the intersections of rue Henry-Ford and boulevard de la Gare are planned for the following year, as part of the work to be carried out by the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec.
  • Following construction of the Pôle municipal, the City plans to permanently connect Toe-Blake and Lorne-Worsley streets, thus eliminating the dead-ends on these two streets. The city continues to invest in the rehabilitation of its wastewater pumping stations. Work is scheduled for the Roche station in 2025. This station is located at the intersection of rue Joseph-Carrier and avenue Saint-Charles.
  • In 2025, construction will also begin on a new underground reservoir on boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, west of route Harwood. This reservoir, with a volume of nearly 7,000 m3, will eventually take over the role played by the water tower in the Dorion sector.


  • No work at the moment


  • Municipal Hub: Since February 17, 2025, all municipal services previously located at 2555 rue Dutrisac have been grouped together at the Municipal Hub at 2000 rue Émile-Bouchard.

    The layout of the future library is currently being finalized. It should be accessible in the spring. Stay tuned for the moving date.


    The request for financial support for the construction of an aquatic complex submitted in response to the call for projects under the Programme d'aide financière aux infrastructures récréatives, sportives et de plein air - volet 1 (PAFIRSPA) was not accepted by the Quebec government. The request was for financial assistance of $20 million, the maximum available. This is the second refusal for this project. Starting in 2018, meetings were held with aquatic-related associations to identify their needs, and a functional and technical program was drawn up in conjunction with professionals specializing in the design of this type of infrastructure. Estimated at $39 million in 2019, the project budget has now been updated to $59 million.

    To follow the progress of the work, consult the Municipal Hub page of the website.

Plan directeur des parcs et espaces verts

Adopted in the spring of 2019, the Parks and Green Spaces Master Plan, covering the period 2018-2025, is an essential tool for managers and elected officials to adequately plan investments in existing and future parks. It allows us to take stock of the various parks on the territory, including the recreational and sports facilities that are located there, and to follow their evolution and use by users.

  • Two floodlit basketball courts will be built on the Cité-des-Jeunes campus, near the filtration plant. Construction is scheduled for 2025.
  • Development work began this fall at Paul-Gérin-Lajoie park. Work will continue next spring. Two volleyball courts will be added to the existing ones, and a training area will be created (winning project of the 2023 participatory budget). A permanent lighting system will be installed for all the facilities: skateboard park, volleyball courts and training area. Street furniture and a drinking fountain are also among the additions to the park.
  • The landscaping of the Quatre-Saisons school park is complete. Over 200 trees were planted this fall, which will eventually create an imposing canopy and a cool island for the area. Interestingly, almost 40% of the trees are conifers, making the area green even in winter.
  • The dek field hockey rink was set up in the Montée Cadieux park. The shelters built by Public Works personnel will be installed in the spring.
  • The 12 pickleball courts in Saint-Jean-Baptiste park were installed in the fall. The acrylic surface will be applied to the fields near the parking lot next spring.
  • Work on the redevelopment of Bourget Park began in late summer and will continue into next spring. The future layout will include a bantam baseball field, complete with fencing, bleachers, dugouts and benches, new children's play areas and a water feature. A path connecting all the areas will wind through the park. A service building and street furniture (picnic tables, benches, drinking fountain, sun shelter, etc.) are also planned. Most of the trees will be retained, and a few will be transplanted to the site. As part of the project, children's playground furniture will be installed, with a focus on universal accessibility and meeting a variety of special needs (sensory stimulation, accessibility for people with reduced mobility, with a total of three components accessible from the ground).

Île-aux-Tourtes Bridge

For all information relating to the Île-aux-Tourtes bridge, residents are invited to visit the website of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable. On this page, you'll find everything you need to know about the project, the obstacles associated with the work in progress, the various mitigation measures put in place, and the progress and highlights of the work to maintain the existing bridge and build the new one.

Information session

In winter 2024, you will be invited to an information session at which the main current and future interventions, impacts, mitigation and environmental protection measures will be presented. Stay tuned by visiting the project web page. You can also subscribe to the project newsletter on the same page.

Ice-breaking boat

As some materials have to be brought to the site by water, an ice-breaking boat will be used on the lac des Deux-Montagnes and in the baie de Vaudreuil. The boat will be in operation weekdays, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Depending on work and weather conditions, the schedule is subject to change.

These operations will have an impact on ice thickness. It is therefore advisable to check ice thickness before venturing out to fish or simply walk. Vigilance is essential.

Traffic obstruction and management

Between now and next spring, construction work on the new bridge will have little impact on the road network. To find out about current restrictions, consult, a practical tool to help you plan your trips.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ministry using the online form or by calling 511.

Hôpital de Vaudreuil-Soulanges

Be on the lookout for work related to the construction of the future Vaudreuil-Soulanges Hospital.

Several road works will be required in the coming months in anticipation of the future hospital of Vaudreuil-Soulanges. Here is an overview of the upcoming work.

  • Several roadworks will take place on the boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes:
  • The addition of two traffic circles;
  • The addition of a multi-purpose track;
  • Redevelopment of traffic lanes.

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Are you a neighbor of the future hospital?

Contact the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie-Ouest (CISSSMO) to receive information about the construction work (special newsletter, invitation to information and discussion meetings with your neighbors). Send your e-mail to with the subject line "Neighbour of the future hospital".

Potholes to report?

Notice a pothole or potential hazard? You can report it in several ways: