Wild animals

Wild animals are present all around us. The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion does not exercise any animal control on its territory. Although wild animals can be a nuisance, it is important to learn to live with them. The Wildlife Conservation and Development Act prohibits the killing or capture of any wildlife without first attempting to scare it away or prevent it from causing damage.

The Act Respecting the Conservation and Development of Wildlife prohibits killing or capturing a wild animal without first attempting to scare it away or prevent it from causing damage.

Preventive measures to avoid attracting wild animals

  • Cap the chimneys.

  • Eliminate white grubs (European chafer larvae) from the lawn.

  • Avoid feeding pets outside.

  • Install vinyl strips designed for chain-link fences on the trunks of fruit trees to prevent animals from climbing them.

  • Install a net over the tree if the animal reaches it by climbing a nearby tree or fence.

  • Install a net over the garden to protect plants growing in the garden.

  • Prune branches that provide access to a roof.

  • Apply a repellent product on your property.

If you notice any damage caused by a wild animal on your property, it is essential to identify the animal in order to take the appropriate means to keep it away. To find out about the animal's life habits and select an appropriate solution, consult the Animaux importuns (troublesome animals) section of the website of the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec.  

Cage loan

As a last resort, if no preventive method has worked, a cage may be borrowed from the Public Works Department (205, rue Valois, main door) for a deposit of $40 (cash only). These cages will only catch raccoons, skunks or groundhogs. Once the animal is captured, you can contact a professional of your choice to come and pick it up.

Before coming, we recommend that you contact the Public Works Department at 450 455 3371 to confirm availability or ask to be added to the waiting list.

Citizens can pick up a cage Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please note that this service is not available on statutory holidays.