
Vaudreuil-Dorion residents are allowed to keep a maximum of two cats and two dogs per household. The owner must have a permit for each pet animal, valid for its lifetime, available from the Permits and Inspections Division of the Land Use Department.


Under municipal by-laws no. 1510, no. 1771 and Règlement d'application de la Loi visant à favoriser la protection des personnes par la mise en place d'un encadrement concernant les chiens P-38.002, r. 1, licensing is mandatory for all cats and dogs. The cost of the license is $10 for cats and $15 for dogs. The $5 fee for replacing a lost tag is still in effect. The license is available online or from the Permits and Inspections Division of the Land Use Department.

Animal Control Officer

The Animal Control Officer's mission is to supervise animals on his or her territory. He is responsible for capturing, recovering and disposing of stray, injured or dead animals in public places or on the road. 


To contact the Animal Control Officer, call 450-455-3371.

Supplementary Regulation Concerning Dogs

To ensure the safety of individuals, on May 19, 2020, the municipal council adopted the Règlement complémentaire concernant les chiens (Complementary by-law concerning dogs) (By-law No. 1771), which complements the regulations put in place by the Government of Quebec in March of the same year. By-law No. 1771 provides, among other things, for the microchipping of dogs on its territory and measures regarding potentially dangerous dogs. Consult the complete regulation in the By-Laws of General Interest section.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If the dog is already licensed, does it need to be re-registered?

    Yes, if your dog was registered with the City before December 16, 2020, simply log on to the online registration platform. Be sure to have your pet's license number, microchip number and proof of vaccination available (optional). This procedure is completely free of charge. If your pet is registered with another municipality, you must complete the entire registration process and pay the appropriate fee.

  • If the dog is already microchipped, how do I get a license?
    Log in to the online registration web platform. Once you have completed your registration and paid the license fee, you will receive your pet's tag at home free of charge.
  • If the dog is already licensed by the City and microchipped, do I need to get another license and pay the fee again?
    No. If you have registered a licensed animal before June 30, 2021, there is no fee and you keep your current license.
  • What are the criteria for determining whether a dog is dangerous?
    Under the Règlement d'application de la Loi sur l'encadrement des chiens du gouvernement du Québec (Quebec government’s Dangerous Dog Law): "A dog that has bitten or attacked a person or a pet and has caused injury may also be declared potentially dangerous by a local municipality."

Professionals offering microchip service in Vaudreuil-Dorion:

  • Clinique Vétérinaire Harwood (3212, route Harwood)
  • Clinique vétérinaire Vaudreuil (463, avenue Saint-Charles, local 100)
  • Clinique vétérinaire du Vieux-Dorion (204, avenue Saint-Charles)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire de Hudson (5412, route Harwood)
  • Hôpital vétérinaire des Trois-Lacs (23, rue Saint-Michel)
  • Wizoo (3-22800, chemin Dumberry)

Vagrant animals

Whenever a dog or cat is outside the residential unit or outbuildings of its guardian, the animal must be kept on a leash not exceeding 2 metres in length, or restrained by means of a device (fastening, fencing, etc.) that prevents it from leaving the property. If you see a stray dog or cat, you can contact 311 or the animal controller at 450 455-3371.


It is important that dog guardians be equipped at all times with means to remove and dispose of feces in a hygienic manner, whether on public or private property. Dogs are prohibited in the City’s parks, playgrounds and public places.

Canine Exercise Areas (dog runs)

It is prohibited to walk a dog in a park, with the exception of certain areas identified in By-law No. 1771 (Section 34.7). Many parks now allow access to the periphery or to predefined areas with signage in place. There are 5 dog runs for residents: on Marier (corner of des Merisiers), on du Ruisselet, on Lorne-Worsley, at the corner of montée Cadieux and Saint-Charles and at the Harwood Nature Park. You are strongly recommended to ensure that your pet has up-to-date immunization coverage and is adequately protected from internal and external transmissible parasites.

Code of Conduct in Canine Exercise Areas (dog runs)

  • Children under 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult within the dog run.

  • Dog runs are open daily from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM.

  • The dog guardian must be in the dog run at the same time as the dog and supervise it at all times while it is on the site. The guardian must keep the dog leashed at all times it is not within the confines of the dog run. Outside the dog run, the dog must be kept on a leash not exceeding 2 metres.

  • Guardians must collect all feces (excrement) from their pets and dispose of it in a hygienic manner in the bins provided for this purpose. This rule applies both inside and outside the confines of the dog run. However, the rule does not apply to blind persons.

  • It is prohibited for dog guardians to be responsible for more than 2 dogs within the dog run.

  • Guardians must be able to control their animals at all times.

  • Guardians are prohibited from consuming food within the dog run. Feeding a dog inside the run is also prohibited.

  • Dogs must not bark, howl or whine in a manner that disturbs the peace. Guardians must use the means necessary to prevent their dogs from disrupting the peace and quiet of the neighbourhood. If necessary, use a muzzle.

  • Dogs using the dog run must be vaccinated and not be carriers of disease, in order to pose no risk to other dogs.

  • Dangerous, aggressive, attack or protection dogs are prohibited within the dog run.

  • Dogs in heat (rut) are prohibited within the dog run.

  • Dogs must have a permit.


A pilot project allows for hens to be kept, under very strict conditions ensuring animal welfare and respect for the neighbourhood. The maximum number of chickens varies according to the area of ​​land: 2 hens for lots of less than 400 sq m and 5 hens for lots of more than 400 sq m. Cocks (roosters) are not permitted.

Installing a chicken coop requires a permit from the City, available from the Permits and Inspections Division for a fee of $20. The hen house must be provided with ventilation, insulation and a heat source if poultry is kept between November 1st and April 15th. Its area must not exceed 10 sq m, just like the adjoining wire enclosure, and should also be at least 2 m from any property line.

Domestic hens must remain inside the hen house between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM. The cleanliness of the installations is of the greatest importance—odours must not be perceptible outside the coop. Lastly, the sale of eggs or any other product derived from chickens is prohibited and no signs for this purpose are permitted.

Wild Animals

The Act Respecting the Conservation and Development of Wildlife prohibits killing or capturing a wild animal without first attempting to scare it away or prevent it from causing damage.

Preventive measures to avoid attracting wild animals

  • Cap the chimneys.

  • Eliminate white grubs (European chafer larvae) from the lawn.

  • Avoid feeding pets outside.

  • Install vinyl strips designed for chain-link fences on the trunks of fruit trees to prevent animals from climbing them.

  • Install a net over the tree if the animal reaches it by climbing a nearby tree or fence.

  • Install a net over the garden to protect plants growing in the garden.

  • Prune branches that provide access to a roof.

  • Apply a repellent product on your property.

If you notice any damage caused by a wild animal on your property, it is essential to identify the animal in order to take the appropriate means to keep it away. To find out about the animal's life habits and select an appropriate solution, consult the Animaux importuns (troublesome animals) section of the website of the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec.  

Cage loan

As a last resort, if no preventive method has worked, a cage may be borrowed from the Public Works Department (205, rue Valois, main door) for a deposit of $40 (cash only). These cages will only catch raccoons, skunks or groundhogs. Once the animal is captured, you can contact a professional of your choice to come and pick it up.

Before coming, we recommend that you contact the Public Works Department at 450 455 3371 to confirm availability or ask to be added to the waiting list.

Citizens can pick up a cage Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please note that this service is not available on statutory holidays.

Dead or injured animals

if you find a dead or injured animal in a public place or on traffic lanes, you can contact the Animal Control Officer at 450 455-3371 or 311 to have it recovered.

If you see a wild animal that seems disoriented, injured, abnormally aggressive or paralyzed, or if there is a sick or dead raccoon, skunk or fox on your property, contact the raccoon rabies control operations at 1 877 346-6763 or online.

As part of Quebec's avian influenza surveillance program, birds found sick, injured or dead must be reported to 1 877 346-6763. 

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Partial opening of the Municipal Hub

Municipal services accessible in the new City Hall