By-laws of General Interest
The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion adopts and implements by-laws designed to protect its citizens and ensure their quality of life.
Important Note
These summaries of the principal by-laws below do not replace the official by-laws adopted by Municipal Council. The by-laws in force take precedence. Before starting any work or taking any action, please contact the City department responsible for enforcing the by-law and obtain the necessary information.
Winter car shelters
Winter car shelters, commonly referred to as Tempos, are allowed from November 1 to April 15. Since 2019, installation of the structure only (without the tarp) is autorized from October 15th. No permit is required. However, the shelters shall:
- consist of a metal or wood frame covered with canvas or polyethylene;
- be located at least 0.6 m from the sidewalk and 1 m from any fire hydrant, and never less than 1.5 m from the roadway;
- be no more than 2.3 m high;
- cover an area of no more than 65 m2;
- be removed and stored for the rest of the year.
Wood-burning heaters
In a new construction or when the wood heating system in an existing construction is replaced, any new wood-burning heating appliance installed shall be certified to EPA standards or CAN/CSA B415.1.
The use of solid combustion appliances (wood stoves, fireplaces) and outdoor fires are prohibited during a smog episode affecting the Vaudreuil-Soulanges-Huntington region decreed by Environment Canada's Info-Smog.
NEW: On May 16, 2022, the City Council of the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion adopted By-law No. 1821 on the protection of water resources. This new by-law replaces By-law No. 1623 on the outdoor use of drinking water as well as By-laws Nos. 1505 and 1760 and section 3.2 of By-law No. 1216. The purpose of the by-law, which is in effect year-round, is to regulate the use of water resources in order to protect them and limit abuse. It applies to all properties served by the water system.
Manual watering of flowers, gardens, flower beds, shrubs and hedges is allowed at all times, with a watering can, an automatic shutoff nozzle or other manual device. Municipal Council may order a watering ban if there is a danger to the health and safety of the population or a risk of damage to City facilities (drought, anticipated water shortage, etc.).
Watering of existing vegetation shall be done within the authorized time period.
A permit is required for the watering of new vegetation.
Propane tanks
Disposal of flammable and explosive materials in curbside bins is prohibited. Not only is it harmful to the environment, it also poses a real safety hazard. The 20-litre barbecue tanks, and even the small propane canisters used in camping, can be a fire hazard. The Ecocentre is the safest place for disposing of them.
It is forbidden to consume or be under the influence of drugs in a public place (place where the public has access, including shops, places of worship, health centres, educational institutions, community centres, municipal or government buildings, public squares, parks or any other such facility where services are offered to the public) under By-law 1759 Respecting security, peace and good order.
Dogs and cats
Licenses are required for all dogs and cats. They can be purchased on the online registration platform or from the permits and inspection division. Licenses cost $10 for cats and $15 for dogs. There is a $5 charge for replacement of a lost medallion.
When a dog or cat is outside the dwelling occupied by its owner, it shall be held on a leash no more than 2 m long, or kept within the property by means of a tether, fence or other device.
The owner shall immediately remove feces produced by the animal on public or private property and dispose of it in a hygienic way.
Dogs are allowed in parks. However, it is prohibited in the following areas:
- playground;
- sports field;
- bleachers;
- municipal building;
- in the northern part of Le 405 park and in the area where the guinguette is located, as illustrated in Appendix I of By-law no. 1771;
- any other location indicated by City signage.
Five dog exercise areas are available: Rue Marier (corner of Des Merisiers), Rue du Ruisselet, Rue Lorne-Worseley, at the corner of Montée Cadieux and Saint-Charles, as well as at the Harwood Nature Park. Rules of conduct are displayed in each area. It is strongly recommended that you make sure your animal's vaccines are up-to-date and that it is well protected against communicable external and internal parasites.
New regulations on dogs
The Règlement complémentaire concernant les chiens (By-law No. 1771) was adopted on 19 May 2020. It stipulates, among other things, the obligation to microchip dogs on the territory of Vaudreuil-Dorion. Consult the by-law for full details.
Professionals offering microchip service in Vaudreuil-Dorion:
- Clinique vétérinaire Harwood (3212, route Harwood)
- Clinique vétérinaire Vaudreuil (463, avenue Saint-Charles, local 100)
- Clinique vétérinaire du Vieux-Dorion (204, avenue Saint-Charles)
- Hôpital vétérinaire des Trois-Lacs (23, rue Saint-Michel)
- Wizoo (3-22800, chemin Dumberry)
Door-to-door sales
Itinerant or door-to-door sales solicitation within the municipal territory requires a permit from the City. Moreover, commercial soliciting in any form must take place between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m., and is prohibited in places where a poster or sign with the words "Pas de sollicitation" (No Soliciting) is displayed. These hours do not apply to soliciting of a religious, political, charitable or similar nature. Anyone who contravenes this by-law commits an offence and could be fined.
Authorized companies
- IA GROUPE FINANCIER (June 10, 2024 to June 10, 2025)
Snow removal
It is strongly suggested that you remove your vehicle from the street during snowstorms to facilitate snow-clearing operations and to avoid damage.
Any vehicle parked on private property shall be at least 60 cm from the public road.
Pushing snow from your driveway onto the street or sidewalk, into public areas or municipal watercourses, or around a culvert opening or fire hydrant is strictly prohibited.
If you hire a snow removal contractor, make sure the person has a permit from the City. The use of snow plow stakes on private property is allowed only after November 1.
It is a nuisance and is prohibited to leave, deposit or throw on any building or in a watercourse any waste, refuse or debris, including manure, dead animals, fecal matter, branches, logs, construction, excavation and fill materials, demolition residues, scrap metal, tires, used furniture, paper, towels or other fabrics, plastic, glass or foul smelling substances.
Constitutes a nuisance and is prohibited the act of depositing or throwing, or allowing to be deposited or thrown, gravel, sand, residual materials or noxious materials on public roads.
Constitutes a nuisance and is prohibited the act of defiling the public domain, in particular by depositing or throwing dirt, sand, mud, stones, clay, domestic or other waste, dirty water, paper, oil, gasoline, residual materials or any other object or substance.
If the offender fails to clean or have cleaned the public roads or public place concerned and fails to do so within twenty-four hours, the municipality is authorized to carry out the cleaning and the offender becomes liable to the municipality for the cost of the cleaning carried out by it.
Water lines
To request service, contact the Public Works Department at 450-455-3371 or
Opening and closing of water lines
The Public Works Department is responsible for opening and closing water lines for road work. Before you call a plumber, please allow a 48-hour or 72-hour wait period, since the City has to check the condition of the equipment.
If the water inlet is functional, once verified, the Public Works Department will contact you to schedule an appointment, depending on the availability of the parties involved, to open or close the water inlet.
If the water inlet is found to be non-functional, additional time will be required for repairs. It is not possible to specify these. Once the water inlet is repaired and functional, the Public Works Department will contact you to schedule an appointment, depending on the availability of the parties concerned, to open or close the water inlet.
Please note that there will be two closures per day, at 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., Monday to Thursday.
Location and relocation of water lines
Before undertaking any landscaping projects in front of your property or paving work in a driveway, it's important to locate the water inlet. To find out where the water inlet is on your property, or to have it adjusted, contact the Public Works Department, which will take care of the work. Levelling of the water line may be necessary following driveway repairs. Only city employees are authorized to handle municipal water lines.
- You must allow a period of 10 days for this.
- Relocation of the water line, depending on the work planned, can take up to 20 days.
Ash trees
An ash tree, regardless of its diameter or its location on the property, may not be cut down without prior authorization from the City. Anyone who cuts down or prunes an ash tree shall dispose of the waste wood according to regulations.
Outdoor fires
Open fires are prohibited on Vaudreuil-Dorion territory. Only fires in outdoor fireplaces made of non-combustible materials, equipped with a chimney and a spark arrester, are authorized, provided various conditions are met:
- Fires are permitted between 7:30 p.m. and 11 p.m;
- The fireplace must be used only on a lot where a single-family residential building is detached on all sides;
- A minimum distance of five metres between the fireplace and the main building, and three metres with an accessory building;
- The base of the fireplace must be installed on a stable, non-combustible surface;
- Fitted with a spark arrestor, the fireplace must consist of a masonry or metal casing;
- Only dry, untreated and unpainted wood may be used;
- Smoke, odours and sparks must not constitute a nuisance for the neighbourhood;
- No gas cylinder may be located within five metres of the fireplace;
- There can be only one outdoor fireplace per assessment unit.
Please note that under the Nuisance By-law, outdoor fires are prohibited during a smog episode affecting the Vaudreuil-Soulanges-Huntingdon region, as decreed by Environment Canada's InfoSmog.
It is forbidden to burn branches and fall residues. We recommend that you take part in the branch and green waste collections offered by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion. See the Collections and Schedule page for full details. In certain cases, the Fire Department may issue a burning permit, particularly for land in agricultural zones, when conditions permit. In all cases, please contact the Fire Department at 450-455-3371 or by e-mail to obtain this authorization.
The conditions to be respected with regard to outdoor fires are found in articles 1, 3.6 and 3.8 of By-law No. 1216.
Regulations prohibit the sale and use of pyrotechnics, for safety reasons. Only pyrotechnicians are authorized to handle fireworks. A request must be submitted to the Fire Safety Department before any pyrotechnic show can take place. The aim of these regulations is to avoid the risk of injury and fire.
Long grass and weeds
Grass and weeds may not be allowed to grow higher than 30 centimetres on any lot (vacant or built) in a residential or commercial zone. For all other lots, vacant or not, the owner shall maintain a two-metre strip at the edge of the public thoroughfare, primarily for the safety of road users but also for esthetic reasons. Farms, buffer zones and organic pest control projects are not subject to this regulation.
Model Aircraft Operating and Flight Provisions (drones)
Model aircraft are regulated by the federal government. According to Order No. 9 of June 16, 2018 of Transport Canada:
(1) A person must not operate a model aircraft
- at an altitude greater than 300 feet AGL;
- within controlled airspace;
- within restricted airspace;
- over or within the security perimeter of a police or first responder emergency operation site;
- over any person not associated with the operation of the aircraft;
- at night; or
- in cloud.
(2) A person must not operate more than one model aircraft at a time.
(3) A person must not operate a model aircraft having a total weight of more than 250 g (0.55 pounds) but not more than 1 kg (2.2 pounds) at a lateral distance of less than 100 feet (30 m) from vehicles, vessels or any person not associated with the operation of the aircraft.
(4) A person must not operate a model aircraft having a total weight of more than 1 kg (2.2 pounds) but not more than 35 kg (77.2 pounds) at a lateral distance of less 250 feet (76 m) from vehicles, vessels or any person not associated with the operation of the aircraft.
(5) A person must not operate a model aircraft
- within 3 nautical miles (5.6 km) of the centre of an aerodrome, except a heliport or an aerodrome that is used exclusively by helicopters;
- within 1 nautical mile (1.9 km) of a heliport or an aerodrome that is used exclusively by helicopters; or
- inside an aerodrome control zone.
(6) A person must not operate a model aircraft over or within
- an area of natural hazard or disaster; or
- any area that is located within 9 km of an area of natural hazard or disaster.
To report unsafe drone use, fill out the online form.
If the use of a drone poses a threat to safety, security or privacy, contact the Sûreté du Québec.
The legal situation means that the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion can not intervene in any way with regard to drones.
Obstructing the free use of public areas
Obstructing the free and full use of any sidewalk, lane, street or public area constitutes a nuisance and is prohibited. A raised obstruction such as a basketball net above the street is also a nuisance.
No person may be in a park between 11:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. It is also prohibited to travel by motorcycle, scooter, motorized all-terrain vehicle, motor vehicle, snowmobile or any other motorized off-road vehicle in a park, except in areas specifically designated for the use of such vehicles.
It is also prohibited to walk a dog in a park, with the exception of certain areas identified in By-law No. 1771 (Section 34.7). Many parks now allow access to the periphery or to predefined areas with signage in place.
For all construction, renovation or demolition work, construction of a parking area, installation of a fence, pool or sign, or work of any kind, it is strongly recommended that you check with the Land Use Department before starting the work to see if a permit or certificate is required. Most permit applications can be made online.
Outdoor use of pesticides is strictly prohibited in the territory of Vaudreuil-Dorion, with a few exceptions. Not all over-the-counter pesticides are completely safe for the environment and human health, and their use may be considered a by-law infraction. Contractors applying low-impact pesticides within the territory shall have a permit issued by the City.
Swimming pools
Reinforcement of the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulations
The Quebec government has updated its Regulation respecting the safety of residential swimming pools to improve accident prevention and ensure better protection, especially for young children.
As of September 30, 2025, all pools, regardless of when they were installed, will have to comply with current standards. Exemptions for pools built before November 1, 2010 will be abolished.
This tightening of regulations entails :
- The end of grandfather rights for older installations.
- Stricter requirements for new pools and those with diving boards.
- All pool owners will be required to secure their installations by September 30, 2025.
Check now if your pool is compliant, and plan any necessary adjustments to comply with the regulations. A permit will be required for the upgrade.
See the Quebec government's explanatory leaflet for full details.
Visit the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation website to find out more about the measures to be applied.
Use of drinking water
Complete filling of new pools is authorized only once. Following this, you must treat the water when opening the pool for the season rather than emptying the pool and re-filling it with drinking water. A permit is required to install or repair a pool.
A removable swimming pool over 60 centimetres high can be filled once a year. Following this, the water of the pool must be treated rather than removed.
When draining a pool for winterizing, the water level must be no lower than 45 centimetres from the skimmer.
Annual leveling, start-up or backwashing followed by leveling is authorized without a permit according to the following schedule:
- Even addresses: Monday, Thursday and Saturday
- Odd addresses: Tuesday, Friday and Sunday
Backwashing cannot be done for more than five minutes.
A pilot project allows the keeping of hens under very strict conditions designed to ensure the animals’ welfare and respect for neighbours. The maximum number of hens varies according to lot area: two hens for lots of less than 400 m2 and five for lots more than 400 m2. Roosters are not allowed.
Construction of a chicken coop requires a permit, available from the Permits and Inspections Division. The chicken coop shall have ventilation, insulation and a source of heat if the hens are kept between November 1 and April 15. The coop and the adjacent wire-fenced run may not exceed 10 m2 each, and shall be located at least 2 m from any lot line.
The hens must remain inside the coop between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Cleanliness is paramount: odours must not be perceptible outside the coop. The sale of eggs or any other product derived from the hens is not allowed, and no sign to this effect will be tolerated.
Tree protection
No one may fell a tree on private property without a certificate of authorization, except as provided for by regulation. Tree felling includes topping and pruning of more than 20% of the branches.
To ensure greater protection of natural environments and urban trees, the Quebec government has increased fines for illegal tree felling, as part of the Loi sur la fiscalité municipale et d'autres dispositions législatives (projet de loi n° 39, art. 5.10).
Overnight parking
Street parking is prohibited from November 15 to April 1 between midnight and 7:00 A.M. This regulation is uniform across the RCM and is enforced by the Sûreté du Québec and the municipal patrol. However, a winter parking hotline (450 455-3372) has been available to residents since the fall of 2016 to reduce regulations and to adapt to weather conditions.
Every day at 5 p.m., the hotline message is updated to inform citizens whether overnight parking is permitted or prohibited on that particular day (effective at midnight). Vehicle owners are personally responsible for verifying if a snow-removal operation will be carried out overnight before parking their vehicles on public roads.
The decision to permit or prohibit parking depends on weather conditions as well as the snow removal or de-icing operations underway.
Note that certain exceptions apply. As such, parking is ALWAYS prohibited in areas where No Parking signs are displayed (see Appendix B of By-Law No. 1806).
In the event that a vehicle does not comply with the parking prohibition and interferes with snow removal operations, it will be towed to one of the following locations and fees will apply:
- on the same street, in a place where he won't interfere with these operations;
- in the nearest street;
- in the Centre multisports André-Chagnon parking lot;
- on the snow deposit site (rue du Voiturier) accessible via rang Saint-Antoine.
Citizens can contact 311 at any time to find out where their vehicle was towed.
Between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., any excessive noise likely to disturb the peace and quiet, well-being, comfort or rest of people in the neighbourhood constitutes a nuisance. Even during the day, a noise can be a nuisance. Noises like that of a pool pump or heating and air conditioning appliances may not exceed 50 decibels at the property line.
In addition, the use of any noise generating tool using, as a mower, a lawn tractor, an edger, a chainsaw or a leaf blower, constitutes a noise nuisance except during the following periods:
- Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m
- Saturday and public holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
- Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m
Commercial vehicles
Owners of commercial vehicles with a net mass greater than 4,500 kg or such as a minibus with 24 passengers or less, a bus carrying more than 24 passengers, a tow truck, a vehicle with heavy equipment such as: a snowblower, a shovel, a basket, a truck box with an overall height exceeding 2.5 m, a platform, a dump box, any mechanism for towing a vehicle, cannot park their commercial vehicles in residential areas, whether on the street or in their private driveway.
Garage sales
Garage sales and yard sales are allowed in May and September only. No permit is required.
Important Note
The complete by-laws, edited in the form of an administrative codification, are classified by category below. The administrative codification makes it easier to consult a by-law. It incorporates the original by-law and the changes made to it since its first publication.
The office codifications of the by-laws published on this site have been prepared solely for the convenience of those who use them and have no official value. While every care has been taken in the preparation of these documents, the City assumes no responsibility for their accuracy or reliability. It is the responsibility of the user to determine whether, for purposes of interpretation or application, reference to the official by-laws, available from the City Clerk's Office and Legal Affairs Department, is required.
- Règlement relatif aux modalités de publication des avis publics (Règlement 1750)
- Règlement sur la gestion contractuelle (Règlement 1764)
- Règlement sur la vérification de l'optimisation des ressources par la Commission municipale du Québec (Règlement 1796)
- Règlement en matière de délégation, de contrôle et de suivi budgétaires (Règlement 1811)
- Règlement relatif à l'exercice du droit de préemption sur le territoire de la Ville de Vaudreuil‑Dorion (Règlement 1830)
Traffic and parking
- Règlement sur les limites de vitesse (Règlement 1591)
- Règlement municipal relatif à la circulation des camions et des véhicules-outils (Règlement 1592)
- Règlement relatif à la circulation (Règlement 1793 – RMH 399)
- Règlement relatif aux Rues actives (Règlement 1795)
- Règlement relatif au stationnement (Règlement 1806 – RMH 330)
Council, elected officials and municipal employees
- Règlement relatif au code d'éthique et de déontologie des employés municipaux (Règlement 1655)
- Règlement relatif au Régime complémentaire de retraite des employés de la ville de Vaudreuil‑Dorion (Règlement 1762)
- Règlement visant à réadopter le règlement no 1774 fixant le traitement des élus municipaux (Règlement 1798)
- Code d'éthique et de déontologie des élus municipaux (Règlement 1815)
- Règlement sur la régie interne des séances du conseil (Règlement 1842)
- Règlement concernant la division de la Ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion en huit districts électoraux (Règlement 1848)
Snow removal
Public property, infrastructure and municipal works
- Règlement sur les ententes relatives aux travaux municipaux (Règlement 1763)
- Règlement sur l'occupation du domaine public (Règlement 1825)
- Règlement à caractère provisoire afin d’interdire des interventions susceptibles de créer des besoins excédant la capacité du système d’égouts sanitaires (secteur du PPU Harwood – De Lotbinière, lot 6 205 917 et partie du lot 6 408 469) (Règlement 1843)
Water, environment, waste management and sanitation
- Règlement régissant l'utilisation extérieure des engrais et des pesticides (Règlement 1556)
- Règlement relatif à l'usage des systèmes de traitement tertiaire de désinfection par rayonnement ultraviolet sur le territoire de la ville de Vaudreuil-Dorion (Règlement 1607)
- Règlement relatif aux espèces exotiques envahissantes (Règlement 1710)
- Règlement relatif aux installations septiques (Règlement 1735)
- Règlement relatif à la gestion des eaux pluviales (Règlement 1744)
- Règlement sur la gestion des matières résiduelles (Règlement 1792)
- Règlement sur la gestion des fossés et l'installation de ponceaux (Règlement 1797)
- Règlement concernant l'assainissement des eaux (Règlement 1804)
- Règlement sur la protection de la ressource en eau (Règlement 1821)
Nuisance, safety, peace and order
- Règlement relatif aux colporteurs et aux commerçants itinérants (Règlement 1562 – RMH 220)
- Règlement sur les ventes de garage et les ventes temporaires (Règlement 1563)
- Règlement sur la sécurité, la paix et l’ordre (Règlement 1759 – RMH 460)
- Règlement sur les nuisances (Règlement 1781 – RMH 450)
- Règlement sur les systèmes d’alarmes (Règlement 1782 – RMH 110)
Pricing, taxation and assistance programs
- Règlement visant à définir le secteur de taxation en ce qui concerne la fourniture d'eau potable et pour toute autre fin de taxation pour améliorations locales le cas échéant (Règlement 1440)
- Règlement décrétant l'imposition d'une taxe aux fins du financement des centres d'urgence 9-1-1 (Règlement 1570)
- Règlement relatif au programme d'aide aux entreprises sous forme de crédit de taxes (Règlement 1640)
- Règlement imposant un mode de tarification pour le financement de certains biens, services ou activités (Règlement 1709)
- Règlement concernant le versement de la somme d'argent exigible lors du dépôt d'une demande de révision administrative portant sur l'exactitude, la présence ou l'absence d'une inscription foncière (Règlement 1711)
- Règlement relatif au taux du droit de mutation applicable aux transferts dont la base d'imposition excède 500 000 $ (Règlement 1786)
- Règlement décrétant un programme d'incitatifs financiers pour les immeubles identifiés au Programme particulier d'urbanisme (PPU) du secteur Harwood - De Lotbinière (Règlement 1790)
- Règlement décrétant les taux de taxation et de tarification des services municipaux pour l'année 2024 (Règlement 1849)
- Règlement décrétant les tarifs pour la consommation de l'eau pour l'année 2024 (Règlement 1850)
- Règlement décrétant les taux de taxation et de tarification des services municipaux pour l'année 2025 (Règlement 1858)
- Règlement décrétant les tarifs pour la consommation de l'eau pour l'année 2025 (Règlement 1859)