Adoption of the five-year capital plan 2025-2029

Mr. Marco Pilon, FCPA, OMA, Treasurer and Director of Finance and Treasury, presented the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion’s 2025-2029 five-year capital expenditure plan on August 12 during a special meeting, which was subsequently adopted by City Council. This program provides for investments totalling $446,473,650.

Adopted every year, the five-year capital expenditure plan is a tool that allows the municipal administration to prioritize its financial resources according to its objectives and to have a global vision of projects in order to better anticipate financial needs. The amounts entered can be modified along the way, since the five-year capital expenditure plan is a dashboard that adjusts in response to challenges, needs, unforeseen events and opportunities that may arise.

"The five-year plan includes major projects for the period 2025-2029. Some are required for the development of the city of Vaudreuil-Dorion, for example those related to infrastructure. Other projects are the result of the public consultations we held in connection with the adoption of various municipal policies such as strategic planning, the Family and Seniors policy, the Environmental policy and the participatory budget. The population’s ability to pay is always at the forefront of our minds and the municipal council will always ensure it is respected", said Mayor Guy Pilon.

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion’s five-year expenditure plan 2025-2029 features more than 100 projects, including the following:

  • Infrastructure rehabilitation in the Vieux Dorion sector (aqueduct, sewer system and new outfall leading to the bay of Vaudreuil) ($21.5 million)
  • Widening of boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, from rue des Floralies to the future hospital, including a bicycle lane ($30.7 million)
  • Construction of a multipurpose walkway over Highway 30 providing access to the hospital ($4.5 million)
  • Increase in the capacity of the sewer system for the Harwood – De Lotbinière sector ($20 million)
  • Redevelopment of rue Chicoine between De Lotbinière and rue Brown ($14 million)
  • Construction of a new municipal garage on rue Henry-Ford ($25 million)
  • Construction of two refrigerated skating rinks on the site of the municipal hub ($475,000) and the Quatre-Saisons school park ($13.9 million)
  • Construction of two basketball courts on the Cité-des-Jeunes campus grounds ($1.9 million)
  • Improvement projects for parc Paul-Gérin-Lajoie (addition of volleyball courts, lighting and a training module) ($675,000)
  • Installation of a synthetic field at École secondaire des Échos ($1.45 million)

It should be noted that some projects could receive financial assistance from the Government of Quebec, such as the rehabilitation of the infrastructure in the Vieux Dorion sector and the multipurpose walkway across Highway 30, depending on the programs that will be available. The redevelopment of rue Chicoine is also benefiting from a $2.464 million grant.

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