Contracts and Tenders

In accordance with the Cities and Towns Act, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion proceeds by tender for the award of service, supply or construction contracts valued at $25,000 or more. The calls for tenders and the contract awards are published in the SÉAO (online tendering site for the public sector).

Contract Management By-law

The City of Vaudreuil-Dorion has a contract management by-law  (In French) containing provisions for ensuring healthy competition between parties who have contracts or wish to enter into contracts with the municipality.

Complaints procedure

In accordance with Section 573.3.1.3 of the Cities and Towns Act, the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion has adopted a procedure for handling complaints regarding contract awards following a public call for tenders or contracts negotiated with a single supplier in which the expenditure equals or exceeds the threshold for a contract requiring a public call for tenders.

Notice to Lobbyists

In accordance with the Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Act (CQLR c T-11.011), no consultant lobbyist, enterprise lobbyist or organization lobbyist may communicate with a representative of the City (Municipal Council member or any employee, official or agent of the municipality) for the purpose of influencing a decision. 

See our Notice to Lobbyists page to find out more.


SÉAO stands for "Système électronique d’appel d’offres", the electronic tendering system approved by the Government of Québec. This Web-based application provides access to the contracting opportunities available in most of the Québec public sector: government departments and agencies, organizations in the education and health and social services networks, municipalities and other municipal bodies.

See the list of contracts over $25,000 awarded by the City.
See the list of contracts over $2,000 totaling more than $25,000 per supplier (01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021).

Cahier des clauses générales et techniques et formulaires

The following documents have been done to standardize work methods during the various stages of a water system, road or street lighting repair or extension. These requirements are the minimum standards in the design of the City's infrastructures.

All stakeholders involved in the design or execution of work, including promoter and engineering firms, will be required to ensure compliance with the standards and guidelines contained in these documents. Their use is mandatory in all projects carried out by the City of Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Specifications required for the execution of the infrastructure work

Special documents

Required forms in project management

Calls for Tender

Public-sector calls for tender can be consulted on the SÉAO website.

2022 Calls for Tenders

2021 Calls for Tenders

2020 Calls for Tenders

2019 Calls for Tenders