Torrential rains: last week of special collections

After two weeks of intensive collection, a final special collection will be held during the week of September 1. To be collected, debris must be deposited by 7 a.m. on Monday, September 2.

These collections concern only materials affected by flooding. All other bulky or non-flood-affected waste must be dropped off at the ecocenter or at bulky waste collections. Please note that unauthorized materials will be left on site, and it will be your responsibility to dispose of them. Check which materials are accepted at the ecocenter and at regular bulky waste collections.

Debris must be placed at the curb, on the municipal right-of-way, without encroaching on the sidewalk. Hazardous materials and appliances containing halocarbons (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, etc.) are not accepted in this collection. Citizens who have to dispose of food are asked to ensure that it is not left in bags at the curb to avoid attracting vermin.

Back to normal

Following these special collections, residual materials collection operations will return to normal. Affected residents will be able to dispose of their debris at the ecocenter, among other facilities.


The Vaudreuil-Dorion Ecocentre, located at 2800, rue Henry-Ford, is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., as usual. Citizens are invited to sort their materials before going there, to ensure efficient unloading.

Please note that the MRC continues to lift the volume and fee limit for materials brought to the ecocenter network by affected citizens. In addition, no power of attorney will be required for those bringing materials from another address.

The materials accepted remain the same as usual, including construction materials, as well as metallic and non-metallic bulky items. Materials that have been in contact with water are also accepted during the torrential rain recovery period.

Free basement repair permit for August 9 torrential rains

In order to facilitate the processing of requests and ease the burden on citizens in connection with the torrential rains of August 9, the municipal council has decided that there will be a moratorium on the cost of permits. Permits remain mandatory, but will be free of charge. Fill out the following form to apply.

Torrential rains: last week of special collections

Torrential rains: last week of special collections

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