Errances: spontaneous live art performance

Errances: spontaneous live art performance

July 30
7 p.m.

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''Entrelacés'' | By David Lafleur and Deniz Lim-Sersan

Discipline: Tap dance and music

Entrelacés is a collaborative, entirely improvised experience between tap dance artist David Lafleur and pianist Deniz Lim-Sersan. The performers invite the audience on a journey through the most intimate corners of their artistic practices. Sharing the physical and sonic environment, their interests and convictions rub shoulders, clash, argue, hear each other and come together in a grand improvised musical composition. Integral to the process, the duo share a jazz aesthetic that explores the distinctions and dichotomy between practice and performance. From nothing, a variety of rhythmic grooves emerge from the interplay between percussion and melody. Shared smiles, gentle and sensitive moments, dissonant chords or more aggressive blows follow one another in a whirlwind of ideas, giving birth to an unbreakable space where listening and open-mindedness reign.